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Behind the Meter

power meter

Learn more about the PUD and what we do, how we do it and why, as well as get some tips on conserving energy and staying safe around electricity.    

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Did you know that Okanogan County PUD does not generate any of its own power? We buy all the power that we sell to our customers – and it’s nearly…

It’s not Halloween, but let’s talk about phantoms. Phantom energy loads, that is.

Many of your appliances and electronics consume power…

I don’t know about you, but my bill is always higher in winter. Sometimes, January or February bills are twice (or more) than May or October.…

In 1930, thanks to the efforts of the Washington State Grange, Initiative No. 1 passed with 54 percent of the vote to create public utilities.…

You probably hear all the time about “winterizing.” To prepare for winter heating, and keep those winter energy bills a bit lower, here are some…